Bobby Seale
Bobby Seale

Fox News never calls up Bobby Seale to articulate a stance in opposition to right-wing conservatives. To me, giving the New Black Panthers a platform on Fox is a subtle tactic to scare people.

Brianna Wu
Brianna Wu

I still quite enjoy watching Fox News because I think it makes me think through my arguments and make sure I'm on the right side.

Brit Hume
Brit Hume

People realized that they could come on Fox News Sunday, and they would be well and fairly treated.

Curt Weldon
Curt Weldon

With the exception of the New York Times, Fox news, and Lou Dobbs of CNN, and talk radio, the rest of the mainstream media has basically been silenced like a bunch of dumb monkeys.

Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch

Liberal talk on the radio doesn't perform well because it is not a sequestered to a niche - it's everywhere in the media universe. Conservative talk radio, on the other hand, performs well because the radio is the only place, besides Fox News, that people can go for right-sphere opinions.

Dana Perino
Dana Perino

I talk about millennials with a healthy dose of humility, as I'm a card-carrying member of Generation X. But I have daily interaction with young people at Dana Perino & Co., through my Minute Mentoring organization, with digital friends on social media, and especially at Fox News.

Dana Walden
Dana Walden

Our news is Fox News. It's a cable channel and has nothing to do, frankly, with the entertainment area of the company. It's the model of how this company was launched, and there are a lot of independent stations and Fox O&Os who have hugely successful news that our programming is the lead-in for.

David Brock
David Brock

Criticizing Fox News has nothing to do with criticizing the press. Fox News is not a news organization. It is the de facto leader of the GOP, and it is long past time that it is treated as such by the media, elected officials and the public.

David Cross
David Cross

Occasionally I'll watch Fox News for as long as I can tolerate it, or CNN. I'll watch until I get infuriated, but you got to know what they're talking about and what they're not talking about.

David Hogg
David Hogg

What a lot the media, and especially Fox News, has messed up with me is they've made it seem like I'm trying to take away people's guns - that I'm against the Second Amendment.